martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

my future!

I will like to work nursery because I love to play and stay with the children. It will be very good teachind children who ara 3 or 4 years old in a school, not older because I think they talk so much. This year I am studying Batxillerat and I will do a corse working in the nusery ''els picarols'', but they won't pay me. I'm really nervious because I don't knowhow will be the experience. I hope I like it and I learn more about children beheviour, one thing that will help me in this is that i'm very patient and calm and in my opion, this is a very importen point to be ith little children. At the come time, they reed a teacher a sonebody that educated then withhout shouts and other bad forms, and I think I aam prepared to do it. So , it I can achievee my a in, in a short time, I will be teaching children as well as I can. 

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